Sunday, 8 February 2015


One's life is so precious. The journey that connects birth and death, may have ups and downs, bends and twists. Whatever it may be, one should approach each moment so positively. Being positive helps a lot to make the life beautiful.  Never hurt others. Learn the lessons of true love. Always replace hatred by sincere love. Using the elixir of love, strengthen the relations. Be satisfied with what we have and never upset for what we doesn't have. Being patient and humble, by uttering good words. being a good listener, having a mind to help others let us make  our lives beautiful.

Being jealousy and selfish, what will be the reward a man is going to get. I think nothing. Instead keep the right track of virtue. Millions of people are here. Among which we know about, sometimes below hundred. 
Here anyone can do one thing. Can love the hundred people. Can start loving his neighbors. Can offer a helping mind. If each and every person on this earth is doing like this, no doubt, our world may become a paradise of love. There starts the origin of a new world, a world without discrimination. 

We may differ from each other by personality, language, dressing style, complexion, rituals, belief etc., Whatever it may be let us do one thing. Let us discover the heavenly beauty of UNITY IN DIVERSITY.
The differences is only in appearance. But we are all having the same heart. We can fill our heart with essence of love. We can try to see everyone as our brothers and sisters. We can do our best to make this world as like a native house where our beloveds are live in. 

We have freedom. We have the right to select our own life style. But before our selection we must think that we are not alone. We have a family. We have a society. We have someone to protect. WE ARE THE GUARDIAN ANGELS OF SOMEONE. Hence think twice before doing something. Look carefully before each step. A good step, a good decision, a good work, a good word has a good result. Therefore select such a life style, which may light the lamp of goodness.